

A skin treatment known as dermaplaning involves the use of an exfoliating blade to remove dead skin cells and facial hair from the face. Also known as microplaning or blading.

Dermaplaning seeks to smooth, rejuvenate, and illuminate the skin’s surface. This therapy promises to eliminate acne scars and uneven blemishes on the skin. Additionally, it is used to eliminate “peach fuzz,” the short, soft facial hairs.

Dermaplaning may be used for any skin type and anybody with:

  • acne scars
  • dull skin
  • dry skin
  • sun-damaged skin
  • fine wrinkles

Before undergoing a dermaplaning treatment, you will need to speak with your physician. During the consultation, we’ll review your medical history, skin type, and skin tone, as well as your desired outcomes.

If you have an aggressive acne outbreak, you may need to delay your visit to prevent irritating or ripping the surface of your skin.

A sunburn or other skin damage might complicate your treatment and make it more unpleasant, so you’ll want to stay out of the sun the week leading up to your visit.

There is no required recovery time after a dermaplaning procedure. In the two or three days after the operation, you may notice redness or a sensation of skin being scraped.

You may notice that your skin seems brighter immediately after a dermaplaning treatment, but it usually takes a few days to fully enjoy the effects. As any redness decreases, you’ll be able to notice the benefits more clearly in the days thereafter.

Dermaplaning results are not permanent. According to the treatment, up to three weeks’ worth of dead skin cells are eliminated. After three weeks to one month, the effects will have diminished.

After a dermaplaning procedure, sun exposure must be avoided at all costs. Sun exposure may undo the benefits of dermaplaning or cause pigmentation spots on the newly exposed skin cells. In the weeks after a dermaplaning procedure, you must always use sunscreen on your face.

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