
Microneedling Treatment

Microneedling is the most recent skin treatment technology that successfully addresses the fundamental cause of many common skin concerns – a lack of collagen. This procedure enables your body to generate fresh, flawless, and youthful skin without causing epidermal harm.
It treats fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, skin pigmentation, aids in skin tightening and lifting, promotes skin renewal, and reduces pore size.

Microneedling works by stimulating collagen production in the skin. The procedure’s pinpricks inflict little damage to the skin, which reacts by producing new collagen-rich tissue.

This new skin tissue has a more uniform texture and tone. It is usual for the skin to lose collagen as a result of aging or trauma. By stimulating the skin to produce new tissue, more collagen may assist in firming the skin.

Combining microneedling with topical serums, radiofrequency, and platelet-rich plasma is also possible. A dermatologist can assist you in making judgments about further treatment options and their projected costs.

Microneedling is less intrusive than cosmetic surgery, and recovery time is brief. The majority of individuals need very little, if any, downtime.

You may have skin discomfort and redness in the first days after the surgery. This is a normal reaction to the tiny “injuries” caused by the needles inserted into your skin.

You may return to work or school if you are comfortable following the surgery. Before wearing makeup, it’s preferable to let your skin recover. However, when the necessary amount of time has gone, concealing cosmetics may assist in disguising the redness as it fades.

Additionally, your skin will be more susceptible to the sun, so wear sunscreen. However, it is advised that you wait one week before exposing your skin to sunshine and strong chemicals.

After microneedling, your skin regenerates new tissue quite fast. Theoretically, you should notice effects within a few weeks.

To sustain the benefits of your therapy, you will need repeated sessions and maybe further treatments. The doctor will collaborate with you to design an action plan based on your unique objectives.

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