Microdermabrasion/ Chemical Peel


Microdermabrasion/ Chemical Peel

Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive, nonsurgical process. There is little preparation required.

Consult a skin care specialist about your skin conditions to determine whether microdermabrasion is appropriate for you. Discuss any previous cosmetic treatments, surgeries, allergies, and medical concerns.

You may be instructed to avoid sun exposure, tanners, and waxing for about one week before to treatment. You may also be instructed to discontinue the use of exfoliating lotions and masks about three days before to treatment.

Remove any makeup and thoroughly wash your face before to the treatment.

The superficial layer of dead skin cells may be removed by microdermabrasion, a non-invasive process that makes use of small crystals or other exfoliating surfaces. The body then rapidly replaces the dead skin cells with new, healthy ones.
It is a minimally invasive technique used to refresh the overall tone and texture of the skin. It may enhance the look of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scars, melasma, and other skin disorders.

For microdermabrasion, anesthetic or numbing agents are unnecessary.

During your scheduled session, you will be sitting in a recliner. Your healthcare professional will use a portable instrument to spray particles or sand away the top layer of skin in the targeted regions. At the conclusion of the therapy, a moisturizer and sunscreen will be administered to the patient’s skin.

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