Mesotherapy is a technique used to rejuvenate the skin by means of a transdermal injection of a multivitamin solution and natural plant extracts that are thought to improve the signs of skin aging.
mesotherapy is used to:
As a non-surgical cosmetic therapy option to address a number of skin and body contour issues, including cellulite, aged skin, and extra fat, mesotherapy has recently grown in popularity and public awareness. Treatment for hair loss and thinning hair is proving to be a potential new option, while non-surgical, cosmetic hair restoration procedures are also becoming more and more popular. Currently, over 40,000 medical professionals worldwide use mesotherapy procedures in their practises to deliver specific drug or extract combinations to tissue treatment locations.
Mesotherapy has been used for years to nourish hair follicles, enhance scalp health, and promote thick, healthy hair growth. Many hair loss issues are thought to be caused by a lack of nutrients for the scalp, hormonal imbalances, and poor circulation, which is why this treatment is thought to perform so effectively for treating hair loss and balding. The most frequent cause of hair loss in both men and women has been found as excessive synthesis of the androgen hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Treatment sessions that try to balance the scalp’s hormones eventually improve the health of the follicles.